Lieu d’affectation : Kinshasa, avec mission sur le terrain
Type de contrat : SSA, durée de max. 45 jours
Avis de Vacance n° : VN-2015-SSA-016
Date de clôture de la publication : 04 Septembre 2015
Gender equality is (i) a foundational mandate for UNICEF grounded in the CRC, the CEDAW and the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, and (ii) a core principle for UNICEF equity agenda given that gender is the most cross-cutting determinant of disparities in child well-being, along with poverty and geographic residence. UNICEF further adheres to the standards set out in the UN system in promoting gender equality through the QCPR and the UN-SWAP.
In 2014 UNICEF adopted the Gender Action Plan (GAP) 2014-2017 specifying how UNICEF will promote gender equality in alignment with the Strategic Plan 2014-2017. The GAP builds on UNICEF’s existing gender equality results across the seven outcome areas of the Strategic Plan and elaborates the gender dimensions of programmatic results along with the steps UNICEF is undertaking for institutional effectiveness through commitment of resources, strengthened staffing, capacity and systems.
Within the UN family, and in the context of the post 2015 agenda, the Gender Action Plan represents a great opportunity for UNICEF to fulfil its mandate to advocate for the realization of children’s rights and to be a leader in promoting girls’ rights, as the only agency with a multi-sectorial platform.
Building on lessons learned from the previous Strategic Priority Action Plan on Gender 2010-2013, the GAP proposes to deepen gender mainstreaming across key outcome areas, while further strengthening gender programming in a set of strategic result areas (targeted gender priorities) with the highest potential of making a difference for the empowerment of women and girls, and for child outcomes overall.
The GAP Programmatic Framework requests that country offices make selected programmatic investments in gender programming by identifying:
At least one targeted gender equality priority based on their local context and overall country programme. These priorities should be selected among the following four corporate priorities on gender during the 2014-2017 period, which are discussed in detail in paragraphs 25 to 41 of the GAP, are:
Promoting gender-responsive adolescent health;
Advancing girls’ secondary education;
Ending child marriage; and
Addressing gender-based violence in emergencies.
At least one gender mainstreaming priority. Over the coming years, the organization’s approach to mainstreaming gender in its programming will be to emphasize quality over quantity: rather than seeking to address gender equality in everything, which can lead to a superficial treatment of the issue and a lack of accountability for meaningful results, the focus will be on addressing it well for a limited number of strategic priorities as relevant in country contexts. Country programmes should select at least one mainstreaming priority from among the Strategic Plan outcome areas and identify it in the CPD. Suggested mainstreaming priorities can be found in paragraphs 42 to 59 of the GAP.
Gendered bottlenecks and barriers. Each country programme is expected to specify a core set of gender bottlenecks and barriers that must be addressed for the overall programme to succeed. Specifically, Country Programmes should identify where and how significant gender disparities exist; how and why particular gender barriers prevent the achievement of specific outcomes in each outcome area; what programming options can overcome the barriers; and what indicators are meaningful for tracking progress. The five bottlenecks and barriers that tend to consistently undermine the achievement of results for children in all of the seven outcome areas in the UNICEF Strategic Plan are discussed in paragraphs 60 to 63 in the GAP and include:
Women’s and girls’ lack of safety and mobility;
Women’s and girls’ lack of resources and decision-making;
Limited access to information, knowledge, and technology for women and girls;
The excessive time burden and dual responsibilities experienced by women and girls;
Damaging and detrimental masculine and feminine ideals and expectations.
As one component of the efforts to strengthen the focus on gender-related issues affecting the rights of children and women and the achievement of equitable and sustained results, UNICEF is committed both to undertaking regular gender reviews of its programmes of cooperation and to working closely with United Nations partners to strengthen gender equality results.
The UNICEF DRC Country Office is considered a key player in all gender and Gender Based Violence (GBV) related forums and supports UN WOMEN in the coordination of the One UN Gender Team.
The Country Office is almost half-way through its current country programme covering the period 2013-2017. As such it was decided that it was an opportune time to conduct the gender review. The review will be conducted in French. The recommendations that will come out of the review can guide the revision of policies, strategies and actions of UNICEF’s programme and in particular serve as inputs for the mid-term review of the programme scheduled for the end of 2015.
Objectives of the Gender Review
The main objective of the review is to assess the degree to which the country office and its partners are on track to achieve the gender-equality results set forth in the country programme, and to revise the programme to accelerate progress toward already identified goals and respond to new opportunities for gender equality programming. As such the review provides an opportunity to bring the country programme in line with the gender results framework elaborated in the Strategic Plan 2014-2017 and the accompanying Gender Action Plan (GAP) 2014-2017.
The objectives of the Gender Review are as follows:
Take stock of the country context, identifying new or long-term trends and realities relevant to gender-equality programming and policy-making priorities.
This part of the gender review will provide the opportunity to revisit the situation analysis and programme rationale of the current CPD to include a gender perspective if one is absent from the original analysis, to improve a pro-forma analysis, to update the analysis to reflect new developments, opportunities, and challenges, and to reassess priorities in light of the Gender Action Plan. The analysis will consider the different phases of the programme cycle (situation analysis, project proposal (objectives/results/activities/indicators etc), implementation, project reports monitoring and evaluation). Furthermore, it will be done in relation to the country context taking into account national priorities as well as the priorities of the One UN gender Team and the One +One (gender donors + One UN Gender Team) and
It is important to assess gender inequality at three different levels: gendered child outcomes (prioritize achievement of results on outcomes where gender inequality in the disempowerment of girls is especially evident); intermediate determinants (address gendered bottlenecks and barriers that prevent the achievement of children’s well-being and rights); and structural determinants (focus on areas and situations where gender inequality is a major driver of multiple deprivations for children). This section of the exercise will also provide an opportunity to identify programmatic priorities, analyse the changing context as well as new information and/or data and any
Assess progress achieved to-date in achieving gender results set forth in the country programme.
This part of the gender review will assess whether the country programme is addressing the gender equality gaps identified in the analysis conducted in the stock-taking (first part of the review) and whether it is doing those things well, in the sense of addressing the issue in an effective way and at scale such that results are being achieved or can be reasonably expected to be achieved.
The gender review ideally reviews the country programme as a whole to assess the degree to which the project portfolio meaningfully and successfully addresses key gender issues and thus furthers key results for children. However, as it is not feasible to review the entire current programme portfolio, the gender review will include the following kinds of projects:
The five or six projects with the largest budgets;
Projects that address child marriage, adolescent health, secondary school education, or emergencies;
Projects that are branded “gender projects.”
The assessment will also be conducted at the provincial level, most likely in three provinces; one in each zone (south, west and east). The decision on the projects and provinces to be included in the gender review will be done by the consultant together with UNICEF at the time of drafting the inception report.
Identify opportunities to align the country programme results framework to the Gender Action Plan 2014-2017.
This step of the gender review aims to see how the DRC programme should be expanded and/or revised to align to the corporate priorities set out in the GAP programmatic framework (programmatic framework is defined in Annex A of the GAP; the GAP programme indicators in Annex B; and the expectation for Country Programme results in Annex C ). In particular it will clearly define at least one targeted priority and one mainstreaming priority:
Targeted gender priorities: the CO is expected to select at least one of the four organization-wide targeted gender equality priorities for significant programmatic action in the 2014-2017 period, based on their local context and overall country programme.
The organization’s four corporate priorities on gender during the 2014-2017 period are:a) Promoting gender-responsive adolescent health; b) Advancing girls’ secondary education; c) Ending child marriage; and d) Addressing gender-based violence in emergencies.
Gender mainstreaming priorities: at least one mainstreaming priority among the Strategic Plan outcome areas and identified in the CPD will be identified ensuring that this is adequately captured in relevant output(s).
The decision on the targeted gender equality priorities and gender mainstreaming priorities will be done by the consultant together with UNICEF at the time of drafting the inception report.
Assess existing capacity for gender-responsive programming in the country office and among key counterparts.
As lack of capacity and expertise are often identified as bottlenecks to gender-responsive programming, this part of the gender review aims to assess country office and counterpart capacity for gender programming. This will be done according to the guidelines and using the generic survey as a basis to gauge the nature and extent of country office capacity for gender programming.
Present recommendations in a brief, strategic document.
The gender review process (steps outlined above) will culminate in a set of concrete recommendations regarding gender results and programming priorities as well as related capacity and resource issues. These recommendations should be presented in two forms: a short, strategic, action-oriented document, accompanied by annexes if necessary; and an in-person presentation chaired by a senior manager in the country office with the participation of relevant counterparts and key stakeholders.
The set of recommendations should address:
The definition of UNICEF DRC’s programmatic results on gender equality (targeted priorities and gender mainstreaming);
Key entry points and strategies to strengthen gender programming for a defined set of programme results (based on a) above);
Propose institutional measures to ensure that the country programme has the necessary resources, staffing and capacities to deliver on gender equality results.
The review will feed into the 2013-2017 Mid-Term Review process and will be used to improve the country programme strategies and activity plans for the remaining part of the current country programme cycle as well as inform planning for the next cycle. Ultimately, the review will assist UNICEF DRC and its partners to better mainstream gender equality concerns in their planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation processes, so as to increase the positive impact on children and women in the DRC.
The expected deliverables (in French) from the Gender Review are the following:
A inception report including a work plan to agree on the objectives, scope and expected outputs of review and tools to be used according to the new Gender Review Guidelines;
A draft final report which will include the background, objectives of the review, methodology, main findings, good practices and lessons learned, and recommendations. An executive summary following UNICEF’s standard format needs to be prepared;
A final report, including a recommendations paper of approx. 10 pages, completely edited;
All background information, including raw data and records of discussions should be attached (only in e-version);
A PowerPoint presentation with the main findings of the Gender Review.
Main tasks & approach
In order to cover the specific objectives, the following main tasks shall be undertaken:
Prepare an inception report for the Gender Review: It would include, among others, a work plan, division of work, a calendar of planned interviews and field visits and a proposed date for the presentation of the preliminary findings, the date of the provision of the draft report as well as the final report;
Desk review, data collection and analysis: the analysis will be conducted according to the methodology developed in the revised Gender Review Guidelines;
Drafting of reports: drafting and finalization of the draft and final reports/presentations with recommendations for the Country Office in line with the Gender Action Plan.
Supervision of the Consultant
The consultant conducting the Gender Review will be under the administrative and technical supervision of UNICEF DRC, and in particular the Social Policy and Evaluation, Protection, Programme Planning and Knowledge Management sections as well as the Office of the Representative.
The consultant is expected to make his/her own arrangements in terms of computer etc. The consultant will need to arrange for his/her own medical insurance and respect UN security dispositions.
Profile of the Consultant
To conduct this Gender Review (in French), one consultant will be hired. The profile required is the following:
Advanced university degree in Gender & Development Studies, social sciences, political or international affairs with emphasis on gender related issues;
At least 15 years work experience in any of the following fields: Human rights, gender and development, strategic planning with a specific focus on gender;
Technical Expertise: Gender Audit/Review, Gender analysis and programming, knowledge of legal and policy framework on women's right/roles and analytical skills;
Experience working on gender in DRC or other countries in Africa is an asset;
Knowledge of UNICEF’s Gender Action Plan (GAP) is an asset ;
Have strong analysis and good inter-personal communication skills including the ability to facilitate and work in a multidisciplinary team.
Have a professional command of French, both oral and written, good report writing skills;
Experience working with United Nations joint programming frameworks and result-based management systems is a particular advantage.
The basic competencies include:
Current knowledge of development and humanitarian issues, strategies as well as programming policies and procedures in international development cooperation;
Proven ability to conceptualize, innovate, plan and execute ideas, as well as to impart knowledge and teach skills;
Managerial and supervisory skills;
Good analytical, negotiating, communication and advocacy skills;
Good knowledge of information and communication technology and its applications;
Demonstration of ability to work in a multi-cultural environment and establish harmonious and effective working relationships both within and outside the organization.
Indicative timeframe for the Work
The Gender Review is expected to start as soon as possible and should be completed at the latest by end November 2015.
The indicative time frame is as follows:
Start of Assignment
15 September 2015
Mission to DRC
October 2015
Draft final report of the Gender Review
By 20 November 2015
Final report of the Gender Review
30 November 2015
The duration of the assignment will be of maximum 45 working days over a period of two and a half months. This should include 40 working days in DRC, out of which a max of 15 days outside of Kinshasa.
Payment Modalities
The payment modalities are foreseen as follows:
(a) 35% after the approval of the inception report of the Gender Review by UNICEF DRC CO;
(b) 65% after the submission of the final report and all other expected outputs outlined above approved by UNICEF CO.
Selection Process
Applications in French should include:
A technical offer: a document made of a maximum of 4 pages where the consultant explains (a) the suggested approach and methodology to respond to the questions (specific objectives) defined in the ToR, including a detailed plan of the analyses that will be conducted and the suggested research methods; (b) a preliminary work plan, including work days, with the various products that will be delivered and specific timelines.
A CV, completed P11 form (as an annex), copies of diplomas and work certificates as well as the contact information of references.
The selection of the consultant will be made according to UNICEF DRC procedures. Kindly note that applications should not be more than 5Mb.
Les dossiers (en français) seront envoyés a l’adresse électronique ci-après : [email protected] avec comme objet du message : Un(e) Consultant(e) International(e) pour la Revue Genre, VN-SSA-2015-016.